SSS Women's Champs 2017

Glasgow Ladies coming round mark 3. Photo © Alasdair Leeson-Payne
November saw the return of the SSS women’s champs, leading to a 7(?) person team heading to Aberdeen to represent Glasgow and claim the much sought-after sweaters. Due to the long(ish) journey and late leaving, it was only a short pres at the hosts flat before heading out to Triple Kirks for discounted pitchers and bottles of wine before a very short walk upstairs to Exodus for the rest of the night.

Sun and smiles all around. Photo © Alasdair Leeson-Payne
Saturday provided an early start, in order to drive to Loch Forfar in time to eat bacon butties and drink coffee before racing started. Boats were quickly launched as winds were forecast to rise throughout the day. Eventually a decision was taken that it would be best to reef the boats, providing a break for soup (yes, the nutritional kind), and then racing was back underway, allowing the round robin to be completed, leaving “Galsgow” at the top of the silver fleet.

Imogen and crew negotiating the breeze. Photo © Alasdair Leeson-Payne
Saturday night got off to an excellent start, with a carrot becoming the Glasgow mascot, before the entire team painted themselves green to be the Grinch and went to invade another hosts flat to paint at least half of Peter green as well (rumour is he got glittered, who knows), before heading on to Institute for an incredibly sparkly night, before a detour on the way home due to talk of a late night noodle bar, which was definitely worth it.
The grinches and their mascot.
Sunday was an intense contrast, with low winds meaning that leagues only got run a couple of times before an extended float on the water for an hour or so, before racing being altogether canned so the boats could drift back to the shore before it got dark. The day ended with Glasgow winning the silver fleet, and leaving tired, but happy.

Picturesque boat packup. Photo © Alasdair Leeson-Payne