BUSA Ladies Team Racing Championships
This weekend a group of Glasgow gals took on BUSA ladies and the raging Storm Doris. Strapping in for a ten-hour car journey with minimal clothing and maximum chat, the 5 topless women in the car made their way down to Southampton to meet Sweet Caroline of London, the last member of Golden Delicious 2. Arriving at half eleven at night, they soldiered onto the battlefield (or ball-pit) to meet the SSS ladies to dance the night away at a club called switch. Famously quoted by the Golden Delicious 2 team – “If we can’t win the races we may as well win the socials.”

Glasgow Golden Delicious 2 representing on Day 1 © Ed Morris
The next day the team were up and raring to go in the big breeze, with 2 excited beginner crews and an Imperial College London helm. With some absolutely epic losses, many spins and a capsize, as well as slightly stressy helms (haaaaaay Heather and Lindsay), the team faced a breeze never seen at the humble Bardowie, as the wind continued to build from about 15 knots, gusting 30. However, handling and technique improved throughout the day, and in the afternoon Glasgow Golden Delicious contested some close races against Swansea and won a race against SSS. The SSS Ladies team also had a tough day on the water, and it’s safe to say that all of our Scottish ladies were well and truly ready for the social to commence that night.

SSS Ladies Rep team featuring 3 Glasgow Gals © Ed Morris
With a severe lack of men and some last minute dragon/mermaid costumes, and liberal amounts of glitter, the team headed out that night for the social dinner with the English university teams. However, SSS and Glasgow teams arguably peaked too early, and after a brief spell in a club called Jesters (voted worst club in the UK a few years ago, which is even more muddy and questionable than Lindsay’s nostalgic memories of it) SSS and half of Glasgow were defeated by the social and ended up in bed somewhere between 10 and 12. Shout out to the disappearing Sophie Taylor, a woman of magic and mystery, and Heather Sword for enthusiasm, but the occasional lack of stamina. Lindsay and Caroline wandered home at about half 12 after not being able to find their fellow Scottish lassies.
The second day of racing proved to be mightier and windier than the first. Glasgow Golden remained extremely consistent in their racing, with improvements in terms of the start line and team manoeuvres as the day went on. As the wind continued to build, and with gusts over 30 knots, a few danger gybes ended in capsizes, with a particularly spectacular tumble onto the centre board by our favourite A&E patient Ruth Brown, and a guilt-ridden dry capsize from her helm. In an exciting last race, Golden Delicious finished in a 1 - 3 - 4 against Kent, to end what had been a fun but tough event in very challenging conditions. Shout out to the SSS Ladies rep team for filling in for our broken crews, and shout out to our broken crews for sailing like absolute troopers despite being ill and on the verge of hypothermia. The SSS Ladies smashed their second day of racing, pulling through and showing everyone how we do it up North. The SSS Ladies rep team finished up 10th in an unfortunate three-way tie at the top of silver, and Glasgow came 13th overall. RNCYC won the event overall with some fantastic team racing and wins in really challenging races in the finals (sailing into a 2 - 3 - 6, a 1 - 3 - 6 and finally a 1 - 2 - 3, to win the event in the windiest conditions of the entire weekend), an amazing example to all of us, and proving to us all that there’s life, unicorns and sailing after university. Well done for flying that Scottish flag high! Loads was learned from the weekend, including that there really is no place comparable to Viper.

Golden Delicious 2 kicking off the first race of the 2nd day.
The chat began to deteriorate on the journey home, with the only real conclusion formed was that “being topless is much better than not being topless”. The 3 ladies in the back-seat of the car passed out and left the two in the front to battle the last leg of the 1000mile road trip. Everyone arrived safely at an unspeakable hour, and we all lived happily ever after.
Congratulations to Megan and Ira, our two beginner crews for absolutely smashing their first time team racing. Also a HUGE shout-out to Caroline of Imperial College London for being our honorary 3rd Glasgow helm and fully embracing our less than average chat and better than average dancing. We love you. Finally, thanks to RYA and BUSA for a really competitive and fun event!

The slightly less sophisticated version of our teamy photo. © Antony Butler