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Dinghy Teams 2017-18

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Glasgow Purple: 

Tom Graham and Sarah Coleman

Andy McKeown and Lucy Rawbone

Cameron McCosh and Emma Cameron


Glasgow Yellow: 

James Campbell and Imogen Smith

Emma Watson and Uli Kornaszewska

James Hodgson and Ruth Carr-Gomm


Glasgow Blue: 

Hugo Duncan and Elliot Turner

Roisin Fleming and Sophie Colbert

Jacob Sim and Isla MacVicar


Glasgow Beige: 

Sarah Looby and Isabella Micaela Jäntti

Lachlan Morrison and Mirjam-Kim Rääbis

Tazmin Allison and Ben Harper

 Purple Team

Tom Graham:


Tom is in fact a second year but a fresher to the club, and he has been withholding his sailing prowess from us for a whole year (why Tom??). All it took was a summer in Minorca and a ginger to convince him to join, now he’s found himself on the first team with no clue what team racing even is. (He’s a keen bean, we’ll be fine)

Sarah Coleman:

For the last two years, no one has managed to roast Coleman (small, blonde crew in a relationship) on her team profile. Third time lucky, her flatmates jumped at the opportunity but when the time came they have disappointed us all, so this rosy-cheeked picture will have to do. Coleman is generally just a bundle of joy who’s only downside is an acute glitter disorder, so be careful letting her into your flat.

Andy (Pandy) McKeown:

Andy (not Johnny or Niall) has been around for a long time, and despite his best efforts he just can't stay away. Known to be magical on the water, he has a number of tricks up his sleeve including a built-in honing beacon to Smith's flat, the ability to throw up red wine and history with a massive virgin whose flatmates he has flashed and their clothes he has stolen. Not always has he been this adventurous, but after a slow start in the sailing club he showed us that it's never too late to peak, while still maintaining a love for long walks (home from viper for 7 hours). 

Cameron McCosh (ZimCam):


Last year he was simply unknown male, now he has his own team profile. Another Zimbabwean who now has power on the committee, it doesn’t take many powers of deduction to work out what position given that he is the biggest nerd in the sailing club. Somehow ended up on first team with two freshers helms, what could go wrong?

Lucy Rawbone (Wetty):

Lucy (small, blonde crew in a relationship) is a massive wetty, but can work it on the water and the dancefloor. We may have lost her heart to Straff but Lucy is very much here in body, mind and spirit and will be in viper enough for herself and her helm.

Emma Cameron (EmCam):


In case you haven’t noticed from the Spameron Emma spent all summer at a camp teaching kids how to sail and getting an Emma Taneron, let’s hope she wasn’t too much of a Bameron! After the loss of her long time helm Caitlin, we’re hoping she’ll adjust to her new team and helm (#2CamBoat) but it’s not looking promising so far. We may need to exploit her Disney obsession to remind her how to have Emma Camerfun.

Yellow Team

Imogen Smith:


Imogen is attempting to sail and do real sports at the same time, which means she has to make some tough decisions when it comes to socials. When she isn’t with rugby she makes up for it tenfold, already having made a huge impression on the club and various members by taking being a shark to a whole new level. As a cold blooded mammal this explains why she doesn’t feel the cold…

James Campbell (Frostbit):

All aboard the RYA train! James is a loud, Irish, monarchist with a small Thatcher fetish and his captainship this year is doing a great job of satisfying his love for authority. On/in the water he may resemble a large seal but he is undoubtedly the father figure of the club, looking after teams and freshers alike. This year he has broken his tradition and no longer has a small, blonde crew that’s in a relationship; now she’s just small!

Emma Fowler:

GUSC’s resident GUSA enthusiast (there are worse words), this ginger has somehow managed to assume the role of captain after the timely departure of the Fivehead himself. After being away from home for a year she has moved in with a new pair of effective parents, which is good as she evidently needs looking after. We are yet to see what effect she have on teams as a helm but we can guarantee it will involve facepaint!

Uli Kornaszewska (Spewli):


After a year’s break from Scotland and the sailing club, Uli is back and living with one of the most volatile members of the club. (#dangerflat) Legend tells of an EGM in a specific sponsor pub which went terribly wrong and landed her with such a great nickname, so the goal this year is not to ruin what Ciaran has so graciously got for us. Don’t mention her English after she’s had a few, this one is quite a fan of false imprisonment.

James Hodgeson (Jimmy):


The Hodge is back on teams, hide your sisters, hide your friends, hide your crushes James is an indiscriminate shark so be careful out there. He’s got an impressive track record of being kicked out of clubs, which none of us understand as he is always so charming to bouncers. For the rest of the club’s sake let’s hope there isn’t another naked calendar this year.

Ruth  Carr-Gomm:


Ruth many middle names (10 points if you can work out how she got that one) is one of the two Ruth's who have made waves throughout scottish sailing. Apparently she has settled down now though, which is lucky as I'm not sure a single firefly can handle that much marine life.

Blue Team

Hugo Duncan:

More often than not found arm deep in a sheep we had almost forgotten what Hugo looked like at the end of last year. He’s back in force now at the other end of the boat, he’s finally found a place on the web of pulls (are Hugoing to guess who?), destroyed all his belongings on booze cruise and had his sailing jacket stolen in Viper. Let’s hope that he continues his messy form, just not on the water #dangerhelm

Elliot Turner:

After replacing his Omani counterpart, Smelliot's ego has risen to new heights, as can be witnessed in his half baked photoshop attempts where he has depicted himself as Jesus numerous times already. In all fairness his impressive commitment to the sesh has certainly been noticed, as well as his dedication to integrating the freshers. We thought that leaving his teens would relieve him of some built up angst but if it existed Elliot would without a doubt still win the Edgiest member award.

Roisin Fleming (Razor):


There are only 2 things you need to know about the biggest lad in the sailing club:

1. She went to New Zealand this summer

2. She’s a massive virgin

Please talk to her about both of these things as they are her favourite subjects!

Sophie Colbert:


We’re glad that Lucy finally dragged her flatmate into the sailing club, but a little disappointed that it took this long. In her short time here Sophie has made it onto teams with surprisingly little experience, made an incredible impression at socials and put in a really good effort on our west coast cruise. Safe to say we think she is going to fit in.

Jacob Sim (Jakey):

One of our newest committee members who has already gained a reputation for not turning up to meetings, rumour has it he was spending times with a first team crew, who could it be?! (Hint: small blonde and in a relationship) As bosun he will be very unhappy if you damage our shiny new boats, but now that he’s a beige helm, what happens if he does? #bosunfight

Hallie (Isla) MacVicar:

GUSC’s very own glittery narwhal has made it onto teams! We can only hope that SUSA doesn’t destroy her, but we’re unsure that her notorious low tolerance may be tested to the full this year. I heard she has a dog, went to Thailand, can drive and was a GUU freshers helper but I can't be sure as she never talks about any of them.

Beige Team 

Sarah Looby:

Adding to the never-ending list of Irish Sarahs members and despite being a postgrad (the only one on teams) Sarah has thrown herself into the sailing club and is proving herself to be a serious one woman drama machine, we all hope to avoid the fallout! Let’s hope she’s as slippery around the course as her surname suggests.

Isabella Micaela Jäntti:

Isabella is new to this whole sailing thing and after what must have been a good show at trials, she has made it on to the infamous beige despite not being a huge fan of roll tacking. So far, we haven’t seen too much of her at the socials but with Sarah at the helm we’re sure this will change quickly. Look out for this all-girl boat on the water, they might just beat you to the Finnish…

Lachlan Morrison:

After a spectacular entry into the club in the form of a potential club-wide ban from EmCam and Razor's flat, Lakeland kept up the enthusiasm and managed to find himself on dev squad, where he probably should have stayed. Due to a traitorous OTC member and a controversial decision he's now on Beige team and has quickly learned all the skills he needs, dressing up, getting his ass out and chinning wine.

 Mirjam-Kim Rääbis:

Not only was Mirjam the first fresher to show up to the first social, her dancing skills rival the best of us and could give Heather a run for her money as dancer of the year. We are equal parts amazed, impressed and jealous as she has made the sailing corner of Viper her own many times, and still stayed with it enough to make her way back to Paisley.

Ben Harper:

Presumably tallest crew on teams this year (ever?), Ben has been noticed by many, mostly for leaving socials way too early. As a member of what is supposedly the most fun team we are hoping to show him the error of his ways and have him at Viper until closing ASAP. In the worst helm/crew height combination he will need to know his way around the boat in and on the water, you don’t want to be in Bardowie for too long…

Tazmin Allison:

As a nurse, Tazmin may be able to look after people but we can’t say the same for boats. The original danger helm, she has come a long way from dev squad last year and upgraded to beige, we can only wait and see what wonders are to come from her this year! The club has set aside a large fund as a damage deposit for her just in case she hasn’t changed. (doesn’t look like it)

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