2016 - 17

Glasgow Pink: (1st at SUSA Leagues, 3rd at Champs, 25th/28 at Finals)
Ally Ireland and Sarah Coleman
Peter Collings and Róisín Fleming
Emily Robertson and Emma Fowler
Glasgow Blue: (4th at SUSA Leagues, 8th at Champs, 28th/28 at Finals)
Rachel Mawer and Sarah Ramsey
Caitlin Ross and Emma Cameron
Steven Shannon and Hugo Duncan
Glasgow Green: (8th at SUSA Leagues, 14th at Champs)
Lindsay McCosh and Ruth Brown
Heather Sword and Izzy Burroughs
James Campbell and Lucy Rawbone
Glasgow Beige: (13th at SUSA Leagues)
Emliy Smith and Andy McKeown
James Hodgeson and Antonia Höppel
Cameron McCosh and Sandy Northcott
Pink Team

Ally Ireland:
As one of our Captains, Ally has sailed in competitions such as the GP14 World’s in Barbados. He is a shark on the water and have you ever heard of Your Book List?
Sarah Coleman:
As the highest ranking sailor who started as a beginner, Coleman has progressed quickly through the teams. Don’t let her innocent demeanor fool you. She’s as likely to glitter your flat as stealthily as she and Ally will send you from the one to the six..

Emily Robertson:
Robertson is fabulous on the water and wonderful at face painting. If only we didn’t always lose her to Strath… WHY DOES SHE KEEP LEAVING US?
Emma Fowler:
Emma is a QM fresher and our only ginger. She is making her name following in the footsteps of her fellow Port Edgar sailors by doing anything to reach the socials, even forcing her way through a door blocked by a tower of Tennent’s. She may be burned by even the Glasgow sun yet she has shown to appreciate the more exotic climates…

Peter Collings:
Leaving his third decade of education, Peter is one of the best sailors we have, beating most of the mere teenagers in the club. When most people his age are in bed at 9pm, Peter can be found in Viper until 3am.
Roisin Fleming:
Razor is the messiah of fancy dress, up for anything as long as its adventurous, particularly when it involves green face paint… Or any face paint really. She claims, as Peter’s crew, to not have to do anything but we know he’d be lost without her. Literally. In the vast puddle of Bardowie.

Blue Team

Steven Shannon:
After loads of experience of coaching team GB in the summer our Ladies captain has gone to great lengths to convince the greater public of his non-Irishness, right down to his distinctly non Irish accent. Imagine the great shock of all the sailors when he rocks up to trials with his infamous green Irish hat while he utilises the initial shock of his peers to sail past them on the start line.
Hugo Duncan:
This year Hugo left home to come to uni and joined SUSA, seemingly brining his parents along for the ride. It seems as though his parents love him more than anyone else's as they showed up to SUSA 1 to see him sail and take photos, we’re still waiting for copies.He is one of our lovely freshers who is rapidly becoming an integral part of teams and general SUSA vibes.

Caitlin Ross:
Caitlin is GUSC’s star of #thisbucsgirlcan. It is rumoured that she gained this esteemed title by sweeping the competition away across various lochs across Scotland. After you know get to know Caitlin you’ll see her everywhere in everyone with curly hair. These people are known as “Fakelin”s.
Emma Cameron:
You may first hear EmCam singing across the waters before you see her. The great mystery of EmCam Day, and when it really is, has haunted the club for several years as we try to celebrate her existence with us.

2PDP Ramsey:
After entering GUSC and, by extension, the world of uni at the young age of 16, 2PDP (or “Sarah Ramsey” apparently) has outdone many older than her at both sailing and socials. She is arguably Rachel’s opposite and they can be relied upon to get the 1 as one of the fastest boats on the water.
Rachel Mawer:
Believed to be the most strong willed of us all, Rachel manages to avoid the peer pressure the rest of us fall victim to and is still one of the most fun. Rachel has made the transition of crew to helm and is outracing us all.

Green Team

Lindsay McCosh:
Our Vice Commodore is so fast she occasionally forgets the course #fourthmarkwhatmark? Managing to be one of the only sailors who has dated OUTSIDE of SUSA (teach us your ways). Lindsay is often implicated in surprisingly rash chat, and has many a scandalous story (often testing the limits of the law on these isles).
Ruth Brown:
With her helm frequently sailing so fast she misses the mark, Ruth’s main job is to keep her on course whilst looking out for the competition, and to stay alive after a night out as her role as the social sec of the sailing club requires. Last year Ruth was notorious for going to A&E, however this year she has changed her tune, which means that if anyone finds themselves in this position, she is the designated companion.

James Campbell:
Mr RYA, who is more frequently known as “Frostbit”, has often been seen to choose Port over the more popular choice of Bucky as his form of poison. Even though he almost always shows up to socials he is very open of his dislike of the sticky dark room most of us call home, however there have been some rare gems of occasions where he’s ventured to the dark side and danced with us on those grimy floors.
Lucy Rawbone:
Double agent in training, Rawbone has quickly infiltrated Strath. She can be trusted to represent her boat in every Viper Wednesday. Lucy came to us to escape the boat club. She has been heard telling members of the sailing club horror stories about the vigorous exercise that rowers are forced to take part in at training. These stories are worryingly believable due to her ability to squat her helm.

Izzy Burroughs:
Izzy Burroughs, more infamously known now as 'that cat gif', is a former vegan and complete lightweight. The sailing club over the last year has changed her ways to carnivore and hard core alcoholic... sort of. Somehow having the trick of still getting into Viper when she is incapable of speech, she seems to have befriended the bouncers more effectively than pretty James. Izzy started sailing in Dev squad (#deathsquaaad) and progressed stealthily into beige in champs 2016 and now sails in 3rd team this year.
Heather Suit of Armour arrived at the club this year and quickly bought herself some friends with the clever use of pies and hats (her mum knits on the reg #canwehaveherinstead). Once she cemented herself as fresher’s rep she let her true nature show encouraging people to '... this puppy' and putting us to shame on the viper dance floor. Nevertheless she's promised to provide us with an innocent and adorable SUSA puppy next semester so we'll have to let her stay.

Beige Team

Cameron McCosh:
Unknown Male.
Sandy Northcott:
Sandy has been in the sailing club for 2 years, and if you didn't know any better you'd think he lived in hive. He's often found on summer sail week or the ski trip getting to know the whole of Glasgow Uni (BNOC or what). Forever up for anything, he is what many in GUSA call a... "ledge".

Antonia Hoppel:
Antonia has shown herself to be our group’s photographer, having professionally taken the naked calendar photos, while managing to put on a very convincing act that she didn’t think we were all crazy. Having already sailed in SUSA 1 she has shown that she is very keen to get to know team racing and our SUSA ways, throwing herself into the dress up part of it even though she’s expressed concern for our well-being after seeing how much we care about it.
James Hodgson:
James is a fresher to the sailing club, who is secretly an old non-fresher to the uni. He seems to not be able to make up his mind on whether he likes clubbing or not as he’s been known to sneak into, and be kicked out of both Hive and Viper. On top of this, he’s managed to show up some of GUSC’s most confident (or stupid depending where you stand) just by taking his clothes off #bunsofsteel. We will forever be suspicious about how he can stay so happy even when we’re cold and hungover waiting for the wind to fill in at an event.

Emily Smith:
Smith has finally escaped from the bounds of crewing and has taken helming by storm. Bringing the original idea of a “SUSA puppy” into all our heads she had decided that his soul was more important than our happiness, however with the arrival of a new potential SUSA puppy from Heather Sword she seems to have risen to the demand and has promised a Tibby shaped sacrifice to SUSA.
Andy McKeown:
Andy is the original ‘bad influence’. His skills include persuading people to go to Viper when they probably shouldn’t, helping Smith get very drunk, and being “Jesus on the water”. More formally, known as ‘Andy Pandy’, he is a returning member to SUSA after being unable to cope with being a responsible adult.


Elliot Turner:
Elliot is a fresher to the club and has already shown his interest in more mature women… starting in dev squad he showed his skill at SUSA 1 and is now part of the reserves. First making his name in the sailing club by bringing a trumpet into viper. He has replaced the formidable ex-social sec Roland as the “veggie” this may be why he’s chosen to date a vetbio? You’d think by the way he talked (“when I was in Indonesia…”) he was a gap year... 'student', but he’s somehow managed to gain these once-in-a-lifetime experiences while still in full time education.

Tazmin Alison:
When Tazmin first joined us she the resident under-aged-er, however that did not stop her. Joining dream team on the first SUSA event as well as participating in ladies she threw herself into the team racing world, maybe too vigorously as crashed a few boats on her way. She’s established herself as the shortest member of the sailing club (don’t tell Roisin), we should definitely celebrate by giving her a trophy.

Isla MacVicar:
According to Peader Isla’s spirit animal is a “weagie narwhal” however if you ask her she will definitely tell you it is a unicorn and that yes they do exist. She is Coleman’s main partner in crime, however is not known for her subtlety but rather for her ability to convince an army of people to throw what has been called “the herpes of the art world” onto anyone in the near vicinity.