Glasgow Yellow: (1st at SUSA Leagues, 2nd at Champs, 20th/28 at Finals)
Ally Ireland and Emily Smith
Peter Collings and Róisín Fleming
Emily Robertson and Rachel Mawer
Glasgow Blue: (4th at SUSA Leagues, 11th at Champs, 28th/28 at Finals)
Doros Voulgaridis and Uli Kornaszewska
Caitlin Ross and Emma Cameron
Shona Ross and Greg Southall
Glasgow Pink: (9th at SUSA Leagues, 17th at Champs)
Lindsay McCosh and Roland Carter
Steven Shannon and Ruth Brown
James Campbell and Sarah Coleman
Glasgow Beige: (13th at SUSA Leagues, 18th at Champs)
Natalie Fuller and Christos Kitsos
Will Hooker and Jacob Sim
Emily Roberts and Sarah Ramsey
Yellow Team

Emily Robertson:
Potentially the most energetic person in the club, prone to bouts of sing-song and surprise piggybacks, Emily can usually be identified on the water from the steam rising from the hull of her firefly. Has been a stalwart of the club for years, captaining a stellar 2014-2015 and continuing to tear it up on the water and at the socials.
Rachel Mawer:
Rachel made her debut at the infamous Glasgow Grouse this year... And what a performance it was! Although unseen at the socials yet we expect Rachel to be one for the future on the water and on the dance floor.

Peter Collings:
Our golden-oldie in the club, it’s becoming more and more unacceptable to ask how old Peter really is but he’s put those many years to use in learning how to cause mayhem with the opposition. Does a great job of befriending the freshers with the best craic (it’s not creepy, honest) and frankly, if you spend St Paddy’s day without him then you’ve made a horrible mistake. Also has a particular aptitude for breaking booms.
Roisin Fleming:
One of the aforementioned ‘freshers with the best craic’, Roisin always seems to come out of messy nights unscathed while all around her are knee deep in the aspirin, must share her secret with the rest of us soon.

Emily Smith:
The only club member to maintain a tan throughout the winter of icy sailing. Puts in a huge shift when it comes to organising the behind the scenes stuff in the club, and is potentially the most inappropriately skilled sailor still refusing to helm. Rumour has it that she lives in a castle in Aberdeen.
Ally Ireland:
Our men’s captain this year, Ally happens to be ridiculously quick in a firefly or any other boat. On land a business savvy creator of the ‘Your Book List’ app, on the water a masterful sailor still shamelessly plugging his ‘Your Book List’ app. Whilst he has his work cut out herding the carnage that is four separate Glasgow teams, he should micromanage the synergy into the club before long.

Blue Team

Caitlin Ross:
Plagued by the existence of many ‘fakelins’, Caitlin has risen above these misconceptions to become one of the most useful people in the club, moving from bosun to treasurer this year. Must find fireflies extremely slow paced after years in a 29er.
Emma "puppy" Cameron:
Struggles with gravity on land, and particularly in Dundee, however Emma is surprisingly agile in a boat. She has also been known to take a voluntary nose dive when exiting a firefly, a habit that Caitlin will need to curb. A key facet of the Glasgow – Irish connection.

Shona Ross:
Shona undoubtedly does the best Northern Irish impression by a Scottish person in the club. She will be forced to deal with Greg’s GUSA chat at close quarters this year, but she too is well known for skite in viper, and further afield at Summer Sail Week in Croatia. Still a better sailor than James Logan.
Greg Southall:
Awarded the title of best chat at in GUSA, evidence of which has yet to be seen at sailing. Has been very involved in the club for a number of years, rising through the well established route of fresher’s rep and eventually to commodore, he knows too much. Only sailor to have a team racing manoeuvre named after him.

Doros Voulgaridis:
Doros has a Greek magic that confounds unsuspecting sailors at mark traps. He has a reputation for being the most dangerous member of the sailing club, particularly in connection to thwarts and t-boning our lovely members. Based on the evidence, he was a clear choice for captain.
Urszula Kornaszewska:
Her mysterious charm, and red hair has disarmed many a sailor along the way to 2nd year. Ula is a perfect, fiery counter to Doros’….. well, inherent madness. She is an experienced sailor, who successfully hid her day skipper qualification from us for the best part of a year. Maintains a sense of mystery that the rest of us mere mortals cannot achieve.

Pink Team

Roland Carter:
Roland ended up in the sailing team by accident (due to an uncanny ability to follow around a particular member of the sailing club). He has thrown himself into everything sailing related – a thinly veiled attempt to run away from the rugby club. Known for ‘classic banter’ and bursting into song at inopportune moments. Keep him close at hand in strong wind situations and moments of despair.
Lindsay McCosh:
Lindsay’s childhood in Zimbabwe left her slightly confused by Scottish things such as wind and democracy. She’s got the hang of both now however and is slowly learning to deal with the truly appalling chat of her often distracted crew. On the water she’ll be found competing strongly, on nights out you’ll be lucky to find her at all as the smallest amount of alcohol can cause her to wander for miles.

Steven Shannon:
Spare me.
Ruth Brown:
Ruth is our newly elected freshers’ rep. Whilst she may be on teams now, if she continues to do whatever she’s told to do (whether that be her participation in every event or a midnight skinny dip in the Tay) she may well be hospitalised by the time second semester rolls around. This would be sad as her antics tend to brighten up even the dreariest day of light wind sailing.

James Campbell:
The real life equivalent of Benjamin Button, James claims to be only 18 but turns up to socials with expensive whiskey, a top end pack of cigars and a sensibility which leads us to believe he is in fact closer to 50. He’s a qualified S.I. which goes some way to explain his love of the rules and how to mess other people up with them. He keeps on falling in however which means he probably won’t be long before getting frostbit.
Sarah Coleman:
The counterbalance to James both in a boat and in personality, Sarah endures his constant instructing remarkably well during racing. It seems to be paying off however as whenever James falls in she handles the boat very well. Also known to cheer up hungover team members so has to stick around forever.

Beige Team

Natalie Fuller:
Natalie is the mother duck of the sailing club, guiding us to our races and home from nights out, which was part of the reason why she was elected Beginners Secretary last year. She has finally decided to display her talents as a helm, despite being quite wee, so we'll be watching her progression this year.
Christos Kitsos:
Our second Greek member, who loves to use his face as a break where pavements are involved. Christos is new to sailing and the club, but is already up and coming in a social and SSS setting.

Emily "Phat Scott" Roberts:
Emily is one of the fresher elements on team, whose history in a laser means that a firefly is still slightly bewildering to her. However she's quickly learning how to go faster, and make her 2PDP crew slow down. Special skills include dry comments and putting people in taxis.
Sarah "2PDP, spare me the rest of her nicknames" Ramsey:
The youngest member of the club, slowly learning keep up with the social side and already sailing well. She should probably have someone keeping an eye on her on nights out, and should always have someone keeping an eye on her in the morning, because she’s inevitably implicated with some kind of hot gossip.

William Hooker:
Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will? Will?
Jake "Jakey Jake - got milk?" Sim:
Jake is a controversial member of the sailing club (some say he's more controversial than Cameron in GUCC) , with a history in the rifle club (we're nervous) and scuba diving. We clearly need him spending more time above the water. Ruthless on the water but not Viper lets just hope he can cock his rifle and fit his snorkel before SUSA gets a hold of him.


Tara Lawson:
A new member of the club this year, she already has the prerequisite Irishness and enthusiasm that make her perfect for the sailing club. She is a steal of a crew, with skills ranging from warm cups of hot chocolate to cupcake baking.

Sandy Northcott:
Sandy is new to Glasgow Sailing Club (he’s been hiding from us and Doros), but he’s showing great signs of being up for both the sailing, and the craic. Catch him tearing up a ceilidh dance floor if you get the chance.

Josh "Peacock" Gorham:
Possibly the poshest man in sailing (closely followed by Roland), Josh spent the whole summer sailing in Greece, evidence of which can be seen when he turns up to events with Grey Goose and wearing salmon pink chinos. He is still slightly confused by the concept of competitive racing, although he is bound to get caught up in the team racing fever soon.